Helping Businesses Navigate through Sustainability

The Punch exclusively promotes and collaborates with impactful businesses that share our vision and are dedicated to preserving Bali's environment and supporting its communities. From sustainable management practices and local sourcing to waste management, conservation and community engagement, we ensure that each business we work with aligns with our core values through transparency and accountability.

The Punch Method offers an effective framework for addressing environmental & social challenges and promoting long-term success. It serves as a practical guide for businesses seeking to share what they already do or to embark on their sustainable journey.

By committing to at least five responsible actions within the framework of our indicators, companies take the first steps towards minimizing their environmental footprint and fostering positive change. However, the true power of The Punch method lies in its ability to inspire businesses to go beyond the initial five actions and embrace all 15 commitments.


A Comprehensive
Framework for Change

Adopting The Punch method not only preserves resources and enhances social welfare, it also provides businesses with a competitive edge, leading to cost savings, an improved brand image, increased customer loyalty, and better risk management.

By following the comprehensive framework, businesses can create a solid foundation for sustainable growth. The Plan, Upgrade, Neutralize, Conserve, and Honor commitments encompass a wide range of aspects, addressing various challenges faced by businesses in different industries. This holistic approach ensures that companies do not just focus on isolated actions but rather on creating a coherent sustainability strategy that permeates every aspect of their operations.

Embracing The Punch Method and its commitments is not simply a way to meet basic sustainability standards; instead, it's an invitation to join a community of like-minded business leaders dedicated to forging a better world. By consistently pursuing the fulfillment of all 15 commitments and with our support and services, businesses have the chance to revolutionize their operations, shape their industries, and ultimately play a vital role in creating a more sustainable and prosperous future for Bali and beyond.


Management Commitments


By documenting and implementing a clear sustainability plan, businesses are demonstrating their commitment to the environment and their communities. These responsible businesses are promoting a better economy in which there is less waste and pollution, fewer emissions, and more jobs. A sustainability plan allows businesses to turn goals into reality and adapt to the escalating tide of environmental and social challenges. It paves the way for the creation of better sustainable products and services while increasing productivity due to sustainable practices.


By designing clean and functional buildings & products, businesses are minimizing the use of resources, unnecessary waste, and harmful emissions.

Through sustainable building, design and operations, responsible businesses are significantly reducing harmful effects on the environment and the communities. Sustainable buildings and design improve the quality of the air and the water, produce less waste and conserve natural resources. On economic and social levels, it reduces costs, increases profitability and efficiency, and improves the quality of life of the communities. Sustainable design optimizes the needs of people and planet with the desire for innovation, aesthetics, and corporate profits; it is a professional contribution that plays an important part in positive development.


By incorporating authentic elements of traditional culture in their operations, businesses are committed to celebrating and preserving Bali’s local cultural heritage. The identity of a nation, region, community or group lies in its history and cultural heritage. This is what makes a group or society unique as it reflects the rich and diverse creations of humankind. Cultural heritage highly benefits the local economy, particularly in one of the most touristic places in the world like Bali.


Operational Commitments


By giving priority to sustainable, local, Fairtrade, organic and/ or recycled produce, businesses are emitting less carbon emissions while celebrating the local economy. Businesses that localize their supply chain are helping the environment as they reduce shipping, storage, emissions, and energy usage. Sustainable & local sourcing helps businesses understand their supply chain better and in turn, builds consumer confidence. It also helps businesses to reduce their costs, increase their revenues while supporting their local economy / communities.


By giving priority to sustainable, local, Fairtrade, organic and/ or recycled produce, businesses are emitting less carbon emissions while celebrating the local economy.

Businesses that localize their supply chain are helping the environment as they reduce shipping, storage, emissions, and energy usage. Sustainable & local sourcing helps businesses understand their supply chain better and in turn, builds consumer confidence. It also helps businesses to reduce their costs, increase their revenues while supporting their local economy / communities.


By engaging their staff in the  implementation of the company’s sustainability goals, businesses are increasing sustainability knowledge, competence and action.

The key to creating a vibrant and sustainable company is to get all employees engaged in day-to-day corporate sustainable efforts. Making sustainability visible inside and outside the company helps employees understand the higher purpose and values of the business. Leaders’ actions speak louder than words and play a huge role in driving positive change.


Waste Commitments


By not using single use plastics, businesses are minimizing by millions the amount of plastic ending up in the streets, in the rivers and in the ocean. 

Single use plastics are not biodegradable, they simply break down into micro particles that dramatically contaminate our environment, wildlife, potable water and human bodies. When disposable plastics degrade in the environment, they emit several greenhouse gases. When plastic is exposed to sunlight, it produces methane and ethylene, which have a detrimental effect on every living creature on Earth.


By having a clear waste management plan in place with actions to reduce, separate and reuse / recycle waste, businesses are not only minimizing the amount of waste in Bali; they are also leading the example to their employees and customers.

Managing waste correctly is important in reducing pollution and providing a healthy environment. In Bali, waste is being inappropriately dumped in the environment, streets, waterways, and beaches which create a massive pollution issue for the island. An urgent response to this issue is needed and responsible businesses can lead the way by providing transparency and education. 


By using sustainable, natural, recycled and/or biodegradable packaging, businesses are significantly reducing their environmental impact. Sustainable packaging materials are designed to optimize both energy and materials. These packaging are sustainably sourced, manufactured using clean production practices and technologies. Sustainable packaging improves businesses’ creativity, demands less use of natural resources, reduces pollution and emits less carbon emissions.


Conservation Commitments


By using equipment and practices to conserve energy such as the use of solar power, LED lighting and sensors, businesses are contributing to reduce the demand for carbon-intensive power plants which in turn benefits the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

As businesses improve their energy efficiency, they need less electricity and thus rely less on carbon-intensive power plants. Mining, logging and material extraction associated with the provision of fossil fuels destroy habitats on land and in the ocean. Human-induced air pollution is one of the main reasons that global biodiversity is disappearing at unprecedented levels.


By using equipment and practices to conserve water such as the use of low-flow water systems, rainwater, filters and the maintenance of leaky faucets and pipes, businesses are contributed to the well-being of the environment and their communities. Every time we use water, it is exposed to pollutants and contaminants. That water returns to the environment where it can spread pollution and have a negative effect on the ecosystems. When ecosystems are damaged by pollution, both humans and wildlife are disrupted. Businesses that conserve water make a huge difference and lead by example.


By actively supporting, protecting, and promoting biodiversity, businesses are contributing to ecosystem productivity and improving the life support system for our planet.  We all depend on biodiversity in the form of ecosystems, species and genetic materials which are currently being lost or damage faster than ever before. Biodiversity conservation actions include: Sourcing from sustainable sources / Building around forests, trees and natural habitats / Managing waste and water waste carefully / Supporting biodiversity and wildlife conservation organizations / Inviting employees and guests in various biodiversity initiatives.


Community Commitments


By supporting their local community through various ways, businesses are offering jobs, providing goods, services, and financial support to their community. Community support actions include: Financially supporting organizations / Giveaways / Charity work and sponsorships / Volunteering / Empowering local businesses and empowering local communities.


By having their site, activities and operations accessible for all, businesses are promoting equality and diversity in Bali.  Businesses are implementing practices such as: Having their site accessible for all including people with disabilities / Offering disabled toilets / Providing clear information for the level of accessibility.


By providing accurate and transparent communication regarding the company’s sustainable practices and goals, businesses are helping guests and consumers make better purchase decisions and, in turn, minimize their impact. Guests and consumers’ understanding about environmental & social issues and businesses solutions play a significant role in better consumption and travel attitudes and behaviors.


Uncovering & Connecting Bali's Responsible Heroes