Simple Commitments
Can Transform the World

Sustainability isn't a solitary pursuit. It's vital that we foster collaboration across all sectors, including businesses, nonprofits, and individuals, and strive towards a common goal. Joining The Punch Community means embracing sustainability, supporting the local environment, and contributing to the overall welfare of our planet. We encourage everyone's participation in our mission to build a better future for Bali.


Waste Management

Bali's Hospitality sector generates a staggering 320,000 tons of waste annually, the equivalent of 32 hectares under 1 meter thick of plastics. It is more than two times the size of the Monkey Forest in Ubud. 

By implementing a clear waste management plan with strategies to reduce, separate, and reuse/recycle waste, 210 Punch Members can achieve a 30-60% reduction in waste.

By implementing a clear waste management plan with strategies to reduce, separate, and reuse/recycle waste, 210 Punch Members can achieve a 30-60% reduction in waste. These businesses are not only minimizing the amount of waste in Bali; they are also setting an example for their employees and customers. Proper waste management is crucial for reducing pollution and maintaining a healthy environment. In Bali, waste is often inappropriately dumped in the environment, streets, waterways, and beaches, causing a significant pollution problem for the island. An urgent response to this issue is needed, and responsible businesses can lead the way by promoting transparency and education.


Water Conservation

By preserving its water resources, Bali's Hospitality sector, especially Bali's hotels, with their high water consumption can play a pivotal role in water conservation.

For example, an average hotel room in Bali consumes 3000 liters of water per day per room. The equivalent of 12 bathtubs a day. For a hotel of 100 rooms, this would represent 42 olympic swimming pools per year.

Every time we use water, it is exposed to pollutants and contaminants. That water returns to the environment where it can spread pollution and have a negative effect on the ecosystems. When ecosystems are damaged by pollution, both humans and wildlife are disrupted.


Energy Conservation

Bali's demand for electricity continues to rise, with a significant portion of this power originating from non-renewable sources. However, a future where energy consumption is reduced by 50% to 70% is possible, and it begins with small changes.

As businesses enhance their energy efficiency, they require less electricity, thereby decreasing reliance on carbon-intensive power plants. Mining, logging, and material extraction associated with the production of fossil fuels contribute to the destruction of habitats on land and in the ocean. Human-induced air pollution stands as one of the primary reasons for the unprecedented disappearance of global biodiversity.


& Local Sourcing

Agriculture remains a cornerstone of Bali's economy, employing 18.7% of the 4.5 million population in 2023, spanning farming, forestry, and fisheries. The hospitality sector, a key industry in Bali, heavily depends on local agriculture for its food supply. Food production and transportation contribute to roughly 31% to 32% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Nurturing and supporting local agriculture extend beyond merely benefiting the local economy. It involves reducing global emissions caused by long-distance food transportation and promoting sustainable practices that can have a far-reaching circular impact.


Cutural Heritage
& Community Support

Culture plays an essential role in realizing sustainable urban development, particularly through intensified efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage. Cultural heritage has been leveraged to address global challenges such as poverty alleviation in marginalized groups, gender equality, and the empowerment of women, as well as environmental sustainability.

Recognizing the rich cultural heritage of Bali and the importance of community involvement, The Punch encourages businesses to preserve this heritage and support local communities, fostering a symbiotic relationship where businesses benefit from the culture, and the culture thrives with their support.

By providing the tools, resources, and guidance necessary for businesses to integrate sustainable practices into their operations, The Punch helps ensure that the hospitality sector serves as a steward of both cultural and environmental heritage. This vital sector then becomes a vehicle for positive change, fostering a sustainable tourism model that benefits everyone from local communities to global visitors.

The Punch Community